
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2015

Lo que nunca se vio Neymar Jr humilla a Cristiano Ronaldo

Cr7 es uno de los jugadores mas ARROGANTES , pero eso no quiere decir que no sea unos de los mejores JUGADORES DEL MUNDO. 

"SIN DIETA" Como Bajar De Peso En Una Semana

QUIERES BAJAR DE PESO AQUÍ TE DEJAMOS UNOS CONSEJOS . Quiero contarles mi historia de cómo bajé de peso en menos de una semana, perdí 3 kilos en menos de 7 días sin dejar de comer lo que me más me gusta.

Cristiano Ronaldo estaría considerando demandar a Kevin Roldán /Cristiano Ronaldo is considering suing Kevin Roldan

Cristiano Ronaldo is considering suing Kevin Roldan Spanish media said the player would retaliate against the singer who posted videos of her birthday party after Madrid defeat. Cristiano Ronaldo estaría considerando demandar a Kevin Roldán 

New: Publican sensual photographs of Rihanna in AnOther


Consejos para aliviar el Dolor de espalda

Cuidados en el dolor de esplada Si padece dolor de espalda durante más de dos semanas, consulte a un médico para que le examine y para asegurarse de que el dolor no lo causa un problema de salud excepcional. La gran mayoría de los casos de dolor de espalda se curan por si mismos con la ayuda de algunos cuidados en casa. Puede intentar las siguientes medidas caseras para reducir el dolor y estimular la curación:

A Way to Fix Long-Term Care Insurance?

A Way to Fix Long-Term Care Insurance? The best way to make long-term-care insurance accessible—and affordable—for more people might be to change what has become gospel in the business: the use of short “elimination periods.” That’s the thinking in a new article in Financial Planning: “How to Fix LTC Insurance,” by Michael Kitces, director of research at Pinnacle Advisory Group in Columbia, Md. Mr. Kitces notes that long-term-care insurance originally was created to guard against the “high-impact but lower-probability risk of needing long-term care assistance at an advanced age.” In other words, relatively small numbers of people would need long-term care—or so statistics indicated—but those who did would face steep bills. Today, though—thanks to improvements in medicine and a longer life expectancy—the chances of needing long-term care are increasing. (Mr. Kitces says the risk of a person age 60 needing long-term care is estimated at 50%; for a 50-year-old woman, the figure could be a...

Ten Mistakes Employees Make With Corporate Benefits

Ten Mistakes Employees Make With Corporate Benefits 1. Do not say no to the full employer 401(k) matching. Instead, please make sure you contribute up to the amount to ensure the full capture of these funds. Why turn down free money? I also highly recommend you strive to maximize your 401(k) contributions every year (in 2015: $18,000 with an additional “catch-up” contribution of $6,000 if over age 50). You avoid taxes on every dollar you contribute and the money stays tax-deferred and compounds until retirement. 2. Do not dismiss enrolling in the flexible spending accounts for health care and dependent care (generally for children under age 13 if you have any). You can save federal income taxes, state income taxes (if applicable), and Social Security and Medicare taxes. If you are in a higher tax bracket, the cumulative tax savings can be over 50% of the amount you choose to contribute to an FSA. The FSA for health care limit is $2,550 in 2015 and the FSA for child care remains at $5,0...

Sofía Suarez Only For Adults

   photo Sofia Suarez For Adults Only

Real Madrid would plan to sell Cristiano Ronaldo, according to Spanish media

According to Spanish newspaper Sport, the president of Real Madrid, Florentino Perez, "has noticed that Cristiano Ronaldo faces the final stretch of his career and wants to raise cash by selling it" (See also: I want to be those before, Enough of nonsense: Florentino Real Madrid).   The Iberian rotary notes that "the last league defeat against Atletico Madrid and subsequent party organized to celebrate his 30th birthday have been a turning point in the career of Cristiano Ronaldo in Real Madrid", facts that would have changed opinion the director of the Madrid side, who had always considered the Portuguese as "untouchable (...) great banner of Madrid club" (See also: Controversy party Cristiano Ronaldo cost 400,000 euros).   Finally, Sport indicates that the President of the set target "gives for retired Portuguese international after six seasons at the Bernabeu" and now, Pérez "thinks only business that can bring to the club sold to any of ...

Women with larger tail have smarter children

Fat contains "essential components " for the development of the nervous system in infants. A study by researchers at the University of Pittshburgh in the United States, found that breast fat influences the development of the nervous system in infants. hjkh Fat deposits in the queue and female thighs contain "essential components" for the developing nervous system of babies, which are transmitted through breastfeeding. Fat cells are mobilized during pregnancy so that the fetus can absorb its nutrients. This also helps women to lose weight while breastfeeding. According to Will Lassek, a researcher at the University of Pitthsburg, deposits of fat in the buttocks and thighs female contain "essential components" for the developing nervous system of babies, which are transmitted through breastfeeding. "The fat in these areas is a warehouse used to build the brain of a baby. Much fat is needed to create a nervous system and fat in these areas are enriched w...

Las mujeres que tienen cola más grande tienen hijos más inteligentes

La grasa contiene “componentes esenciales” para el desarrollo del sistema nervioso de los bebés. Un estudio realizado por investigadores de la Universidad de Pittshburgh, en Estados Unidos, encontró que la grasa materna influye en el desarrollo del sistema nervioso de los bebés.

Atención Médicos logran cura para la Diabetes mediante cirugía

Clínica valenciana logra curar la diabetes con una operación Una clínica valenciana confirma que ha logrado un 95 % de éxito en la cura de la diabetes tipo 2 con una operación de bypass gástrico  Confirman el equipo del cirujano bariátrico y metabólico y responsable de la clínica Obesitas, José Vicente Ferrer, que ha consolidado un porcentaje de éxito situado entre el 80 y el 85 por ciento en el tratamiento de la diabetes tipo 2, permitiendo incluso evitar el uso de insulina, gracias a una operación de bypass gástrico. La clínica valenciana ha explicado en un comunicado que, de este modo, “mejora la calidad de vida del paciente, aportando una mayor sensación de salud y limitando el uso de la insulina”. Se trata de una intervención especialmente indicada para pacientes de diabetes tipo 2, que permite al paciente suprimir el uso de la insulina, siempre que la diabetes no tenga más de diez años y la reserva pancreática sea suficiente. Para este último aspecto, es necesario realizar un...

Foto del cumpleaños de Neymar JR

El jugador del Barcelona y de la selección Brasil celebró su cumpleaños con su familia y amigos de confianza de jugador aquí le dejamos una foto: 

LOS MEMES: Así se burlan en Internet de la humillante goleada al Real Madrid

El resultado del juego dio para todo tipo de ocurrencias.  La aplastante victoria del Atlético de Madrid por 4-0 ante el equipo merengue en el estadio Vicente Calderón dio para todo tipo de burlas en Internet . De hecho, ni siquiera se terminaba el encuentro cuando ya los primeros memes se asomaban por la web.